Mayor Smylie loves her beautiful community of Wabamun and has been an active member on her council for five years; serving two years as Councillor and the past three years as Mayor. Some of the initiatives she’s undertaken include helping her community transition away from a coal-based economy and embarking on several economic development initiatives to help her community move forward, including the redevelopment of public spaces and balancing the budget after a significant drop in revenue. Charlene serves as the Tourism Chair on her local REDA – Growth as well as Wabamun’s Waterfront Development Committee. Charlene also introduced a Public Arts Policy and spearheaded a Youth Council.
Mayor Smylie studied philosophy and psychology in college before changing directions to study electronic engineering and finally entering the electrical trade where she worked in the commercial construction field. Working in her trade as an electrician has taught her the value of hard work and the importance of working as a team.
Mayor Smylie is also a contributing member of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and has served as the Director of Villages West since 2015 and a member of the Executive Committee since 2017. As well as this role, Mayor Smylie is Chair of the Small Communities Committee and served on the AMSC board, Status of Women ad hoc committee and external committees such as the Safety Codes Council Board of Directors and RMA’s Charitable Gaming Committee.
In her personal time she enjoys camping and gardening as well as volunteering and organizing the annual Dragonfly Festival which is quickly becoming a regionally recognized festival. She keeps busy with her two children Dexter and Huxley and her common law spouse, Terrence.