Joulia has extensive experience in municipal government and began her municipal career in finance and accounting in 2001 in Mackenzie County, AB. Joulia’s experience includes inter-municipal cost sharing and revenue sharing agreements negotiations, inter-municipal governance and protocols establishment, regional sustainability planning, and multiple successful inter-municipal projects and initiatives. Joulia is passionate about being a municipal public servant, noting that conflict resolution and facilitating abilities are some of the most important characteristics of a good CAO. Joulia received her CLGM designation in 2017 and is currently the Zone 4 Director for the Alberta Rural Municipal Administrators Association. After serving Mackenzie County for over 15 years in the Director of Corporate Services and CAO positions, Joulia accepted the County of Grande Prairie’s CAO position in May 2019. She is passionate about her municipality, her municipal team and staff professional development, with focus on public service delivery as per her Council’s vision.